Wednesday, November 18, 2015


We awoke on Halloween day in Atlanta after flying almost 10 hours across the Atlantic Ocean with one more small journey, a drive to Athens, Georgia. The Lady Gator volleyball team is playing the Georgia Bulldogs on Sunday so we had a day to play in Athens.

We decided to visit a craft brewery whose beer we have become fond of. We paid less than $10 each and received a Terrapin pint glass and six tickets for a generous 8 oz. pour, a generous tasting session.

Terrapin Beer Company was founded in 2002. In addition to their great IPA, we were impressed with their logo. The logo and their beer labels are designed by the same company that designs artwork for the Grateful Dead.  

Greg, our tour guide, was dressed for Halloween. He did a good job mixing in humor with the factual information about brewing beer. The fermentation tanks are behind Greg.

A large palate of cans sat near the canning line.

Greg is pointing to the canning line while describing the canning process. Notice he is holding a glass of beer in his left hand. All of us on the tour were encouraged to take a glass of beer along on the tour.

With company values such as these, it is easy to see why Terrapin brews great beer.

Later in the afternoon they had a small band playing in the tasting room. At this time there were about a 100 people both inside and outside the tasting room just relaxing on a cool fall day. Notice the guitar player dressed like a Viking warrior.

On Sunday afternoon, we cheered on the Lady Gators as they defeated the Georgia Bulldogs 3-0. The teams are huddling up just prior to the first serve of the match.

After the match we drove back to Gainesville in the rain, discussing the wonderful two week vacation we had just finished and how difficult it would be to get back to reality again on Monday.

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