Saturday, November 7, 2015


Our first day in Germany started with fog, but the sunshine soon dissipated the fog. Our ship was docked just west of Passau, "The Town of the Three Rivers."

Our chosen activity for our stop in Passau was the "Go Active, hiking along the river Ilz" tour. The Ilz, one of the 3 rivers that converge in Passau, is a rushing tributary of the Danube and originates deep in the Bavarian Forest, some 40 miles from where it dumps into the Danube in Passau.

Our hike was led by a local guide and nature expert. We began on the trail with some gentle inclines, this one even had a hand rail. 

Luckily, we did not have to read the directional signs in German .

The trail surface was mostly soft dirt covered in fallen leaves which were slick from a light rain earlier in the day.

The trail crossed the Ilz several times. Notice the beautiful fall colors.

The fall foliage is more noticeable here where the river bends.

The trail passed a local swimming beach. We enjoyed the serenity along this part of the river - look at the clear reflection of the forest in the water.

More fall colors as we crossed another bridge.

The only wildlife we saw were these two swans.

The swans needed to go fishing--bottoms up.

As we ended the hike, we could look up the hillside to the ruins of a medieval castle.

Looking downstream, we were treated to his view.

The only wildflowers we saw were these small pink flowers, Kazuo Yamasaki.

After our hike, our group met the others from our ship at a Bavarian country restaurant. We enjoyed a tasty lunch of traditional Bavarian foods, accompanied by good German beer.

We again admired the vibrant fall colors, something we don't see in Florida.

The bus ride back to the ship took us past this panorama view of Passau.

We enjoyed a delightful day, beginning with a 4.5 mile picturesque hike, followed by an authentic German meal. Our afternoon was filled with more cruising along the Danube. Can life be any better?

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