Tuesday, May 5, 2015


Each April before heading to our summer work camping jobs, we plan our route to include some baseball games along the way.  Our first stop along our journey to Colorado was Montgomery, Alabama to see the Montgomery Biscuits play. The Biscuits are the Tampa Bay Rays AA farm team.

Riverwalk Stadium is the home of the Biscuits. The 11 year old stadium is a blend of the old Montgomery train station (first base side) and modern architecture.

This view from right field shows the parts of the old train station that were used in the design of the stadium.

Here is a view showing the old on the left and new on the right. If you look closely you can see the suites above the stands on the third base side of the field.

We were intrigued by the team's name.  Normally a team is named after a local characteristic but biscuits are southern in general and not really connected to the city of Montgomery, which is incidentally the capital of Alabama.

We noticed some unique offerings not normally found at concession stands at a baseball game--biscuits served pretty much any way you would want them.  We saw choices such as biscuits with fried chicken and biscuits and gravy (yes, at a baseball game).  No, we did not taste the biscuits.

There was even a "B" displayed on the scoreboard.

The attendance on a Monday evening in late April rivaled the major league parent team--dismal.  There were at most 1,000 fans in a ballpark that holds around 7,000.  In fact, we were part of less than 5 people in the lower section just past the first base dugout. The overall experience was dull.  The mascot, Big Mo, was only visible twice during the whole game.

There was very little fan participation between innings in games or contests led by a mediocre (at best) announcer. The Biscuit Bunch and Big Mo in one of their rare appearances.

In terms of an overall fan experience, if this would have been our first baseball game ever, there might not have been another game. Yes, it was that bad. The home team did get off to a quick start scoring 5 runs in the 1st inning while cruising to an easy 16-1 victory over their Southern League opponent, the Mobile Bay Bears. The action with the bats made up for the weak entertainment between innings.        


  1. You had me going there for a minute with the biscuits and gravy, but it sounds like Montgomery is not worth going out of our way for.

    I thought you'd be in Larkspur by now ...

  2. How could you not try the biscuits?
